About Me


 Who Am I? Well…

I am a woodswoman, devoted mother and grandmother, avid gardener, long- time community herbalist, flower essence practitioner, Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant, health educator, amateur naturalist, traveler, and creatress and co-owner/guide of an herbal product and flower essence company that I began in 1980. In all these aspects of myself, my deepest desire and purpose has been twofold ~ initially I hoped to support true health and well-being in myself, family and community, and to bring plants and people together. In time, another calling grew into a passion for the trees and woodlands of the Northeast which I wanted to bring to others.

Over the years, I have shared through workshops, apprenticeships, and personal consultations. Together with my beloved partner (as Adirondack Guides), we guided journeys into wild places ~ inviting others to experience the exquisite beauty, deep peace and healing nature offers, to learn and become comfortable with basic wilderness skills, and to reclaim their own wild nature and joy in being one with the land, water, wind and fire. These were enlivening and rich experiences for each and all!  

And then came the day when the trees opened a new path for us to trust and follow:

On an early spring morning in 1990 I woke from a dream which felt more like a song than a story; a remembering and a calling by and into the woodlands of the Northeast. It was so real; the pull on my heart strings so visceral and strong.  The request was an invitation into the heart of the forest; it was the melody of the trees, like birdsong, and the whispers of the rich tapestry of life held in the company of evergreens and hardwoods that I realized had always been the background of my life.  In that moment of understanding what I had been called to do, I felt a deep gratitude and knowing, along with a growing excitement for the adventure ahead. Before I could share the details of my dream with my partner Don, he turned to me and said, “I had a most amazing dream about the trees calling us…”!

And so, our shared journey into the forest began in earnest.  We stepped into the request and were joyous in anticipation of being in an active relationship with the trees.  The adventure was to begin that day as our first “assignment” was to begin to prepare flower essences of the trees, shrubs and forest floor flowers of the Northeast forests.  We felt like bees visiting the flowers of the trees, many of which I never really thought of as even having flowers.  I had a lot to learn!

Life became fuller and richer than ever.  Almost thirty years later, I find myself at a new cornerstone of my work in and with the woodlands of the Northeast.  I have felt the trees asking me to share my stories, poems, songs and journeys into the woods and through long tracks of healthy forest, as well as the challenges the trees are presently facing.  My heart wants to share the invaluable lessons I have learned along the way; the teachings from the trees and the forest land, and the ways I continue to deepen my relationship with these wise and beautiful beings.

It is my hope and desire to bring the essence of the Northeast woodlands of the U.S. to you, the reader.  In these writings, photos and more I will be speaking of and for the trees, shrubs, wildflowers, at-risk plants, herbs and mushrooms and others that call the forest home. I believe that it is the trees that can bring balance, healing and restoration to wounded ground, weather upheavals, poor air quality and sore hearts.  Let’s journey back to the forest together and with our senses and spirits open, listen for our place among the trees!