Tree Resources

March 30, 2022


A Druid’s Herbal of Sacred Tyree Medicine by Ellen Evert Hopman. Destiny Books. 2008.

Arboretum America; A Philosphy of the Forest by Diana Beresford-Kroeger.

The University of Michigan Press, by Ann Arbor Michigan, 2003

Arboretum Borealis; A Lifeline of the Planet, by Diana Beresford Kreoger, 2010

Finding the Mother Tree; Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest by Suzanne Simard.  Alfred A. Knopf, 2021

Forests; A Naturalist’s Guide to Trees and Forest Ecology by Laurence C. Walker.  John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, NY, 1990

Like A Tree; How Trees, Women and Tree People Can Save the Planet by Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD. Conari Press, 2011

Mycorrhizal Planet; How Symbiotic Fungi Work with Roots to Support Plant Health and Build Soil Fertility by Michael Phillips. Chelsea Green, Publishing 2017

The Book of Forest and Thicket; Trees, Shrubs & Wildflowers of Eastern North America by John Eastman, 1992

The Global Forest: Forty Ways Trees Can Save Us by Diana Beresford-Kroeger

The Heritage of Trees; History, Culture & Symbolism, Floris Book. UK, 2001

The Hidden Life of Trees; What they Feel, How They Communicate by Peter Wohlleben, 2015

The Man Who Planted Trees; A Story of Lost Groves, The Science of Trees and A Plan Save the Planet by Jim Robbins 2012

The Meaning of Trees; Botany, History, Healing, Lore by Fred Hageneder

Chronicle Books, San Francisco CA, 2005

The Songs of Trees; Stories from Nature’s Great Connectors by David George Haskell,  2017

The Spirit of Trees; Science, Symbiosis and Inspiration by Fred Hagender Continuum Press, NY, 2000

The Tree; A Natural History of What Trees are, How They Live, and Why They Matter by Colin Tudge, Crown Publishers, NY 2005

The Wisdom of Trees; Mysteries, Magic and Medicine by Jane Gifford,  Sterling Publishing Co. 2000

To Speak for the Trees; My Life’s Journey from Ancient Celtic Wisdom to a Healing Vision of the Forest. by Diana Beresford-Kroeger, Random House of Canada,  2019

Tree Medicine, Tree Magic by Ellen Evert Hopman, Phoenix Publishing, WA.  1991

Trees of New England; A Natural History by Charles Fergus, Falcon Guide publishing 2005

Your Guide to Forest Bathing by M. Amos Clifford,  Conari Press. 2018


Call of the Forest; The Forgotten Wisdom of Trees – Diana Beresford- Kroeger

My Passion for Trees – Judy Dench, Documentary. 

Field Guides:

Ecology of Eastern Forests – Peterson Field Guide by Kricher and Morrison, 1988

Bark; A Field Guide to Trees of the Northeast by Michael Wojtech, 2011

Trees of the Northern United States and Canada by John Laird Farrar, 1995

Trees of North America (and Europe); A Photographic Guide to more than 500 Trees by Roger Phillips.  Random House New York, NY, 1978  (great ID book)

Organizations and on-line sites to visit:

 Organization of Nature Evolutionaries:

O.N.E.’s work is to bring awareness to the inherent need of all humans to be in deep relationship with the natural world which is the source of our sustenance. We advocate for co-creative partnership: plants, trees, animals, water, air, land and all beings of nature have equal rights to thrive. Earth Rights.

Tree Sisters:

Giving back to Nature to Restore the Global Forest.

TreeSisters is a UK registered social change and reforestation charity that places tropical forest restoration into everyone’s hands.

8 Billion Trees is a carbon offset company that runs large-scale planting operations in the Amazon Rainforest.  The only carbon offset monthly subscription that helps heal the Amazon Rainforest and save endangered wildlife. 

Spirit of Trees:

Spirit of Trees is a website for many tree related online resources.

Ten Tree Clothing Co:

Ten Tree Cothing Company by planting 10 trees for every purchase, we hope to make big change accessible to everybody and show the lasting impact that one small choice can have. – Dana O’Driscoll’s site about Trees!

ECOSIA–  the search engine that plants trees!

Kate’s journal site posts about the NE Woodlands.

More about KathleenGilday

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